India’s leading sports broadcaster Star Sports has unveiled Star Sports 1 Kannada, as the nation’s first dedicated Kannada Sports Channel. In a move, to...
Extending its deadline to give any feedback on Drafts Sports Broadcasting Signals (Mandatory Sharing with Prasar Bharti) amendment Bill, The Ministry of Information and...
The Japan Association of Athletics Federations (JAAF) has embarked a program to eradicate the misuse of the improper use of Iron Injections-considered an effective...
Finally the desire of Troy Tulowitzki to play for the New York Yankees has come true. According to ESPN’s Jeff Passan, Troy Tulowitzki and Yankees have agreed on...
Less than three years after U.S. Bank Stadium’s opening, the facility’s landlord and main tenant are ready to swap out the carpet. The Minnesota Sports...
The Korean technology major company Samsung has been experimenting several fitness sensors in clothing and shoes for last few years. In order to extend the same streak,...
The official broadcaster of AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019, Star Sports will telecast all Indian side Games in six different languages viz. English, Hindi, Tamil, Bengali,...
India’s leading elite 20 air rifle Shooters will be performing at the Premier Invitational Shooting Competition tagged ‘Lakshya Cup” scheduled today at...
In order to host the Cavalry Football Club of the new Canadian Premier League at Spruce Meadows stadium, it is being revamped demolishing a grandstand. “We’re on...
The Chief Minister of Delhi state government, Arvind Kejriwal has facilitated visually impaired Para-athlete Avnil Kumar for bringing bronze medal in the 2018 Para Asian...