In the midst of a relatively controversy-free IPL 2024 season, a significant dispute emerged between Virat Kohli and Sunil Gavaskar, revolving around critiques of...
Rohit Sharma, the Indian cricketing stalwart and captain of the Mumbai Indians, began the IPL 2024 season with a blazing start, amassing 261 runs in the initial six...
Health experts have unveiled the top 10 treatments proven to alleviate joint pain symptoms, slow down the progression of discomfort, and enhance mobility. Joint pain is...
Ghee, a clarified form of butter, holds a prominent place in various culinary traditions and holistic health practices worldwide. Known for its rich, nutty flavor and...
Incorporating small, actionable steps into daily life can significantly contribute to improving mental health, mindset, and overall well-being. Recognizing the...
Cleveland Kitchen is taking the lead in Gut Health Month this May, championing the cause of digestive wellness with its renowned fermented foods. Through their flavorful...
Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine originating from India, offers valuable insights and natural remedies for combating obesity and promoting a balanced lifestyle....
The emergence of two new Covid variants, KP.2 and KP 1.1, along with the FLiRT variants belonging to Omicron’s JN.1 lineage, in the US has raised concerns about a...
Navigating Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) involves confronting various inner critics that can undermine confidence and disrupt recovery. Among the types...
Yoga Nidra, commonly known as Yogic sleep, offers a profound practice that brings deep relaxation and rejuvenation. Whether practiced independently or integrated into a...