Belly Dance is one of the oldest forms of dance that can offer multiple health benefits to your body such as helping you to maintain your body balance and strength. It also helps in toning your muscles. Further, this old art form also aids digestion in individuals, apart from improving their co-ordination abilities. Considered to be very much an expressive form of dance filled with fun, it helps individuals in losing a significant amount of calories, including helping them improve their body posture. Moreover, individuals would be able to gain enough confidence from doing this fun form of exercise. Belly dancing can be tried by any person and it is a wonderful way for individuals to stay in good shape.

Some of the benefits that belly dance can offer to individuals are mentioned here below:

1. Improves your posture as well as your balance:

There are many movements that you can notice in belly dance that is similar to yoga, wherein, individuals would be made to work on their knees, pelvic region as well as the spinal area of their body. There would be a proper conditioning of the knees, spine and pelvic region of their body, in order to ensure a sound execution of all their movements. Belly dance actually would be working along with your body, rather than against it and would be providing the right alignment as well as the poise for your mobility. It also helps in relieving any form of tension or stress inside the body. Additionally, you will be able to gain flexibility as well as being able to work to escape any risk of injury, in order for you to move to your full potential.

2. It helps to build your body strength and tones your muscles:

Belly Dance is a great physical activity that uses your body’s weight in order to improve strength and flexibility. These dance movements help you in exercising your core muscles. Through these dance moves, the various muscle groups present in your body are isolated as well as controlled, which has to be supported by the core muscles. These moves work your core muscles such as the gluts, oblique’s as well as your thighs. Belly Dance can even make you forget that you have been exercising all the while. Individuals can enjoy this workout thoroughly and may even get lost in the music of this art form, which makes this workout a memorable experience.

3. It strengthens your bones as well as joints:

Belly dance can work on building the bones and joints in your body. While doing this activity, the body weight needs to be transferred from one leg to another. Several bones and joints are worked out in the process. In this way, individuals would be able to prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis. This is a low impact exercise in which the muscles such as spine, pelvis and the abdomen that are being used are working alongside the body and not against it.

4. It helps strengthen your back muscles smoothly:

The torsos are more frequently used by belly dancers. These movements when accompanied along with shoulder movements work on exercising the back muscles. These movements also help in exercising these muscles evenly. Since the back muscles are stronger, individuals would be able to prevent any back injuries, apart from helping promote a good posture in them.

5. Exercises your arms:

There is enough usage of arm muscles by individuals while performing belly dance. Individuals are required to hold their arms up for a considerable time period while performing the movements. Moreover, a lot of strength is required to perform the various arm movements which has to be done slowly and gradually, in addition to performing these movements gracefully by individuals.

6. It helps women prepare for their child birth:

The movements that are seen in belly dance actually would make for a remarkable prenatal exercise for women, as it can help provide strength to the muscles that are being used during the stage of childbirth. The abdominal muscles that are being toned as well as the natural hip tucks that are taught in the prenatal classes help the mother who is expecting a child, as to how she must move her pelvis. For those women who are desirous of giving a natural child birth, this belly dance exercise that emphasizes muscle control facilitates a natural childbirth. Moreover, this exercise also serves as a remarkable post-natal exercise that encourages toning of the abdomen. With a few weeks passed after giving birth to a child, especially during such time period when caution will have to be exercised, in order to heal from the birth process, these belly dance moves can work your muscles in a gentle and effective way, provided they are done gradually as much as possible.

7. It improves your confidence:

As you are performing belly dancing moves, you would be able to witness an improvement in your body image as well as muscular tone. Moreover, you would also notice a marked improvement in your confidence levels over a period of time. Since, belly dance is one such dance form in which your body starts secreting endorphins as well as dopamine, which are otherwise referred to as the feel good hormones. Additionally, you will begin to feel wonderful about yourself as well as your capabilities.

8. It makes you more social:

Belly Dance can help you find new friends who share similar thoughts and interests. Moreover, you can find individuals coming in from various other walks of life. By moving around with companions, you get to learn more about new people you come across as well as their stories. This could also work as a positive emotional booster for many of you. Your dance journey along with your fellow dance mates would be a wonderful way to learn as well as develop a good connection with many individuals.

9. It can help you stay calm and relaxed:

Belly dance can bring your mind onto a calm and meditative state, particularly at the end of the class, owing to the pleasant music that tends to hold the attention of individuals. This workout can offer individuals with one of the deepest forms of expression and is practically being done in the same way and repeatedly out of habit. Individuals are also able to keep their mind in a calm state after spending a hard day at work. Belly dance is also one such activity that can get you addicted to it by making you desire to come back again and again in order to perform more of such activity.

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The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist with a passion for writing articles covering specific areas related to fitness, technology, healthcare and nutrition.

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