Nitish Kumar Reddy, the 21-year-old all-rounder for Team India, recently shared the emotional journey that led to his Test debut. A lifelong admirer of Virat Kohli, Reddy often dreamed of playing alongside the Indian cricket legend before his retirement. His dreams came true last month in Perth when Kohli handed him his maiden Test cap ahead of the first Test against Australia. India won the match by a commanding 295 runs, taking a 1-0 lead in the series.

Reddy reflected on the significance of the moment, sharing a story about a “safety photo” he once took of Kohli during a public event. The viral picture, where Kohli wasn’t even looking at the camera, symbolized Reddy’s childhood dreams of one day playing alongside his idol.

Focused on Kohli’s Century Over His Own Performance

During the Perth Test, Reddy found himself more captivated by Kohli’s batting than his own. As Kohli approached his 81st international century, Reddy was so engrossed in the moment that he didn’t realize he was close to scoring his maiden Test fifty, needing just 12 runs. Watching Kohli celebrate his milestone up close was a surreal and inspiring experience for the young cricketer.

Guidance from KL Rahul

Adjusting to the senior Indian team environment was initially intimidating for Reddy, but KL Rahul played a pivotal role in helping him settle in. Reddy appreciated Rahul’s approachable nature and valuable advice. One particular piece of wisdom from Rahul left a lasting impact: “Macha, when you go out in the centre, everything is going so fast. Don’t go so fast; just slow down the game.” This advice helped Reddy manage the nerves and intensity of his debut match.

A Dream Realized and a Memorable Debut

Reddy’s journey from idolizing Kohli as a young cricket fan to sharing the field with him highlights the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. With support from teammates like Kohli and Rahul, Reddy is adapting well to international cricket and is poised to make significant contributions to Team India in the future.


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