The process of memory formation during sleep has been a subject of scientific investigation, and a research study led by Dr. Thomas Schreiner, the head of the Emmy...
In 2023, a growing concern among parents revolves around the increasing prevalence of lifestyle disorders in children, ranging from diabetes to heart issues, largely...
This study delves into the potential health risks associated with breathing air containing higher levels of oxygen than the body requires. While the detrimental effects...
The year 2023 witnessed a series of unfortunate events that raised concerns about heart health, particularly among young adults and individuals in their thirties and...
The World Health Organization’s call for governments to treat vaping or e-cigarettes similarly to tobacco and consider banning all flavors highlights the growing...
In 2023, vector-borne diseases and respiratory infections dominated the global health landscape, with the continuous emergence of newer and milder strains of Covid-19...
The study conducted by the Institut Pasteur in collaboration with the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) reveals that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can...
Researchers from Linkoping University in Sweden conducted a study analyzing the brains of 16 individuals previously hospitalized for severe COVID-19 who continued to...
Winter, often considered the dreamiest season, can quickly become a nightmare for your digestive health if you’re not mindful of your lifestyle. The season...
Intermittent fasting (IF) has gained popularity as an approach to weight management and potential health benefits, and the findings from the largest UK community...