On Day 3 of the 4th Asian Para Games, India added to its medal tally with notable achievements in multiple events. Narayan Thakur secured a bronze medal in the men’s 200m-T35 final, clocking a time of 29.83 seconds. He finished behind Iran’s Alireza Zare, who broke the Asian Para Games record with a time of 25.51 seconds, and Iraq’s Idrees AL-Zaidi, who claimed the second spot with a personal best time of 26.54 seconds.

Additionally, Shreyansh Trivedi clinched a bronze medal in the T-37 200m event with a time of 25.26 seconds. Indonesia’s Saptoyogo won the gold medal with a new Asian Para Games record of 23.34 seconds, while Saudi Arabia’s Ali Yousef settled for silver with a personal best time of 24.75 seconds.

Earlier in the day, Sumit Antil and Pushpendra Singh excelled in the men’s Javelin Throw-F64 final. Sumit achieved a historic feat by breaking the Asian Para Games record, World record, and Asian record with a remarkable throw of 73.29 meters, securing the gold medal. Sri Lanka’s Arachchige Samitha won the silver medal with an attempt of 62.42 meters, and Pushpendra Singh secured the bronze with a throw of 62.06 meters. Paddler Bhavina Patel also contributed to India’s medal tally by winning a bronze in the women’s singles – Class 4 semifinals.

This year, India sent its largest-ever contingent of 303 athletes, comprising 191 men and 112 women, to the 4th Asian Para Games. In the 2018 edition of the event, India sent 190 athletes and returned with a remarkable total of 72 medals, including 15 gold medals, marking their best performance at the quadrennial event. The ongoing competition showcases India’s commitment to para sports and its growing success on the international stage.


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