Kiren Rijiju, BJP’s face in North-East retained the Sports and Youth Ministry on Friday. After taking over the office, he detailed his visions for the sector. He named...
Formula One has announced that Ferrari will foray into the official F1 esports series this year. The Italian manufacturer would be the tenth and final team to join F1...
Budweiser has announced their partnership with Women’s International Champions Cup Deal, an annual pre-season soccer tournament. An agency called Relevant Sports Group...
The National Basketball Association for the first time in history will live stream NBA finals to Indian fans on its social media. All the seven games played between...
Sportito, a major European fantasy sports platform forayed into Indian market. They registered phenomenal response from sports enthusiasts of the country. According to...
The commissioner of National Basketball Association, Adam Silver said affirmed that Africa will be next focal point on NBA radar. Before the game of one of the NBA...
Kiren Rijiju, or known as the Lion of NorthEast has been appointed as the Minister of State for Sports and Youth Affairs. Hailing from Arunachal Pradesh, Rijiju has been...
Getty Images will continue to be the authorized photography agency of Fifa throughout the Qatar World Cup 2022. The agency has been granted access to the exclusive...
According to an announcement from Dorna sports, Lenovo is now the official technical partner of MotoGP. lenovo legion is already a partner of the esports tournament of...
French public broadcaster, FTV has partnered with Snapchat to create sports contents. The social media giant will host bunch of prestigious tournaments like Roland...