Protinex, one of the leading health drinks manufactured by Danone India has been involved in the creation of awareness on protein and its effects on health. Ever since the launch of The Protein Week (TPW) along with several other initiatives by partnering with nutrition experts in 2017, Protinex has been emphasizing on the role played by protein at every stage of life. Danone India had taken the initiative to organize The Protein Week was held from July 24 to July 30, with the objective of raising awareness on the relevance of protein and its significance in building health and immunity of individuals.

Protinex had developed an Immuno-Nutrient Calculator during the year which is considered to be its first ever initiative, that offers to provide assistance to individuals, by letting them understand the relevant nutrients that are being consumed by them in their daily diet and enabling them to take steps to improve their intake of nutrients in order to develop immunity. The development of a calculator in co-ordination with nutrition experts based out of Fitterfly has now been made available for public use on the Protinex website. There is an offer made by Protinex for the first 5000 users of its calculators that includes a personalized consultation with a nutritionist, apart from supplying the users with a comprehensive diet plan accompanied by nutrition tips for at least a month. This could assist the users in incorporation of key nutrients into their diet on a daily basis. The database maintained by the Immuno-Nutrient calculator contains more than 7000 varieties of foods including recipes that have been developed with the help of reliable sources such as USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and few others, including recipes from the lab that are standardized. The nutrient recommendations provided in the report have their basis from sources such as Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Recommended Dietary Allowances for Indians sometimes referred to as (RDAs) and Institute of Medicine, USA.

The Immuno-Nutrient calculator calculates the amount of immuno-nutrients present in the food consumed by an individual for a single day. Some of the vital immuno-nutrients that are taken into consideration by this user friendly calculator are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Protein, Iron and a few others.

This helps the users to observe the result which comprises of these nutrients and their consumption levels as against the recommended value.

Protinex, being one of the leaders concentrating in adult nutrition has been serving and inspiring Indian consumers for more than five decades. In addition to that, Protinex offers a distinctive portfolio of choices of protein that are customized to suit the needs and preferences of consumers, with some of them being Protinex Vanilla Delight, Protinex Mango, Protinex Mama, being a specialized protein nutrition consumed by pregnant women as well as lactating mothers and few other products.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist with a passion for writing articles covering specific areas related to fitness, technology, healthcare and nutrition.

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