Whatever we eat and drink really affects both our health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally. Good nutrition, along with regular exercise will help you maintain a healthy weight which you can also achieve by using weight loss supplements while reducing your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease. However, consuming regular amounts of fast and junk food will degrade the quality of our health, thus adversely making a negative effect on our body. However, to cope with this, it is highly advised that you avoid junk food at the earliest, in order to lead a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Junk foods In Detail

Any food with zero or negligible nutritional value, high in fat and trans-fat content, can be termed junk food. Most fast foods, including candy, soft drinks, bakery products, and burgers, along with salty and oily foods, are also termed the same. They are high in calories, salts, and fats, and are usually low in vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional contents. The more we consume these foods, instead of healthier and nutritional options, the less will be the intake of essential nutrients and vitamins needed by the body.

Aftereffects of Junk Food Consumption

Consumption of junk food occasionally will not make any negative effect on your health, but making them a habit on a day-to-day basis will increase the chances of obesity and chronic diseases. Cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and some cancers are all carrier causes of excessive unhealthy food consumption. Further, the specific content of many fast foods can have negative side effects on your body.

  • Junk food high in sodium can lead to increased headaches and migraine
  • They are high in carbs and can trigger outbreaks of acne
  • Eating excessive amounts of junk food may increase your risk of depression
  • The carbs and sugar in junk foods can lead to dental cavities that may need to be treated by your family dentist or the need for dental implants
  • Fried foods are filled with trans fats which raise LDL cholesterol levels
  • Fast food is filled with empty carbohydrates, which can lead to increased blood sugar and insulin resistance
  • Increased sodium levels can lead to your body retaining excessive water, leading to bloating

Harmful Effects of Unhealthy Food

1.) Obesity – One of the most common and perceivable effects of junk food is a rise in obesity in an individual. These foods are loaded with sugars, calories and fats that are a prime factor resulting in weight gain. Further, obesity is the starting point for issues that originate like diabetes, joint pain, and various heart ailments.

2.) Mental Problems – High intake of sugars and fats tends to suppress the function of the brain which helps in learning and memory formation. This phenomenon is especially observed in growing children when their learning is at its highest. It was further supported by a study, where it observed junk food consumption led to poor cognitive test results. Results displayed a sudden inflammation in the hippocampus region of the brain, which is responsible for memory and recognition.

3.) Loss of Appetite – One of the bad effects of unhealthy food is overeating. One may end up eating more than they require due to the fluctuation in their blood sugar levels. It makes the brain demand more food than the normal requirement. Further, there are problems in the digestion of such foods, which add up to the harmful effects of junk food consumption.

4.) Depression – Excess consumption of unhealthy foods changes the chemical composition of your brain. This change makes your body more dependent on such foodstuffs and craves them more and more. It almost acts as addiction and people go through withdrawal symptoms that can lead to depression. It further causes hormonal imbalance in the body leading to wanting more of those foods.

5.) Hampering Growth and Development – A healthy body requires essential nutrients for its growth and development. While the bad effects of junk food are evident, they lack basic nutrition too. These unhealthy habits, coupled with inadequate nutrition levels, hamper the brain and other parts of your body. Health nutritionists do not advise excess processed foods as it has long-term effects on your body. So, before you grab those chips or give in to your fizz drink cravings, think about all the harmful effects of unhealthy food that affect not only your body but also your mind.

How to Incorporate Healthy Diets

  • Garnish Your Plate with Fruits and Vegetables – The more colourful your plate, the more likely you are to get the vitamins, minerals and fibre your body needs, so be sure to choose a variety of red, orange and green vegetables such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes and broccoli, to fill your plate with a rainbow and a balanced diet.
  • Incorporate Whole Grains – Eating whole-grain foods such as whole-wheat bread will help you avoid processed grains high in empty carbohydrates. Look for whole wheat, brown rice, bulgur, buckwheat, oatmeal, rolled oats, quinoa or wild rice.
  • Choose Fat-Free Milk – Fat-free and low-fat milk contains the same amount of calcium and other nutrients as whole milk but contains fewer calories and less saturated fat.
  • Choose a variety of lean Protein Foods – Lean meats have lower fat contents and are far better than meat with large amounts of fat content. Select leaner cuts of chicken breast, as an idle source of lean protein foods.
  • Drink Water Avoid Sugary Drinks – By drinking water or unsweetened, you can cut your calories substantially. Sodas and energy drinks are high in added sugar and calories, so be sure to avoid these. If you seek added flavour, try adding a slice of lemon, lime or watermelon to your glass of water.
  • Incorporate Seafood in Your Diet – Seafood such as fish and shellfish are high in protein, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids, which is a healthy fat. For adults, it is recommended to eat at least eight ounces of seafood a week if you are an adult.
  • Avoid Solid Fats – Major sources of solid fats are cakes, cookies, ice cream and processed meat. Try to avoid these to cut back on your solid fat intake.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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