Former captain of Indian cricket team, Kapil Dev launched a new daily fantasy sports platform yesterday called Apne11. He is both the brand ambassador and brand of the platform.

Fantasy sports domain is a thriving market in India. The country already has about 20 operators. The sports users are flocking to the sports fantasy platforms in bunch and new enthusiasts are registering every day. According to the information provided by Money Control, the number of fantasy sports users grew from 0.2 crore in 2016 to 2 crore in 2018. In 2019, the number has gone up to 5 crore.

On Apne11, players can choose their own team from the players on the actual field and be awarded points in accordance with the performance of the selected team combination.

Apne11 also announced a launch offer wherein user will get 100 percent cash bonus deposits and an opportunity to play against Kapil Dev by participating in the Kapil League. The highest scorer on Kapil  Dev’s leader board will win Rs. 25 lakh.

As of now, Apne11 is mainly focusing on cricket and football and the brand is contemplating to bring all sports under its umbrella.

Ratul Sethi, the founder of Apne11 said, “The gaming industry is undergoing a revolution and with one of the world’s largest youth populations, India is poised to become one of the world’s markets in the gaming sector. We want to make daily fantasy sports game experience simpler and reach tier 2 and tier 3 cities.”

The CEO of All India Gaming Federation, Roland Landers said, “The Indian market is the fastest growing fantasy sports market in the world, the market is projected to touch 5 billion in the next two years.”

Enabled by cheap smartphones and data, fantasy sports in India are undergoing a radical change. The possibility of winning cash prizes and availability of internet is attracting people from small towns to big city to try their hands at it once they under the rules.


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Aspiring journalist working for and exploring the juncture of sports, business and technology. Interested in sports economy and logistics of sports policy-making.

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