As the Coronavirus is spreading rapidly so is our anxiety and fear. Apparently, a cumulative effect of this epidemic can be quite stressful and depressing which can trigger a number of ailments – sleeping deprivation can be one of them.

Here are a few reverberations that one can witness due to sleep deprivation

  • For a healthy mind and body, you need to take at least 6-8 hours of sleep
  • Sleep Deprivation can weaken your immune system and increase inflammation in the body which further makes you vulnerable to getting sick.
  • As we are listening the death toll is increasing in our country including some major European countries, the news has triggered a sense of fear and anxiety to our mind.


So, in addition to other recommended hygiene activities that you are doing to keep the COVID-19 virus at bay and self-quarantine, there is also a need that you take care of your mind by improving sleeping quality.

In this article, we are talking about a few tips that can improve your sleeping health:-

1. Positivity is the key

It’s a fact that the pandemic has turned everything upside down; people are not living the way they used to live. Curfew, lock-down, sense of fear have made humans paranoid for their existence. Well, affecting badly to the world economy, the corona pandemic has stagnant the growth graph in-fact according to IMF the world economy has seen a tremendous recession like never before.

This economic turmoil has triggered a number of Layoffs, companies shutting down and examinations and tests pending with no fixed dates and schedule. Overall, there are millions of reasons to affect you directly or indirectly, you should not lose hope amidst this lock-down. Keeping an optimistic notion in mind, you should be positive and mentally strong to host better days ahead. Don’t let this nasty paranoia overcome your mind.

2. Don’t take nap during day time

Nature has designed nights for sleep so let’s follow the norms.  Working from home lying on the bed or relaxing on a smooth couch, you might want to take a nap calling it a power nap. Stop doing that as this small nap can bring an imbalance to your night-long Sleeping schedule and led to sleep deprivation.

3. Get some exercise (just not before bed)

At a time when your gym is closed, you must be doing some basic bodyweight exercises being at your place. As a matter of fact, Daily exercise is still as important as your sleep.

Being at home makes you limited to gym equipment, however, you can always practice some basic physical exercises that don’t need anything but a few domestic things.

It is recommended not to exercise within a few hours of bedtime as the stimulation of physical workout can make it harder for you to get sleep.

4. Check your news consumption

Yes, coronavirus pandemic has brought the whole world on the same platform. Media is flashing the overall death toll and the way other counties and organizations like WHO are taking steps towards ending this worldwide pandemic.

For you and me, it is quite impossible to ignore updates of news development across the world including our own country.  Believe it; too much consumption of news about coronavirus can put you in a depressing situation where you can’t get rid of the negative thoughts making you quite paranoid.

Amid such chaos, you need to discipline your news intake by limiting it to just a few updates rather than watching prime time over it. Believe it, awareness is good but too much awareness creates a mess!!!!

It is highly recommended to not watch news just before sleeping. Just like Caffeine, it can keep you vigil the whole night.

5. Avoid drinking excessive alcohol

Don’t take help of alcohol to lessen your anxiety and stress. Despite, the fact it works, it is not a healthy way to cope such mental ailments. It can create long-term problem to your health in the wake of diminishing temporary ones.

6. No Internet and phone before sleep 

We are all tech-savvy and the Internet has emerged as the lifeline of our knowledge and entertainment. Lying on the bed and surfing social media post and peeping into other social media profiles are not advisable, as it can keep you vigil the whole night across.  It’s better you keep your phone off to your vicinity, to get a good night’s sleep.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist who has been working for B2B segment for almost half a decade. He has developed a knack of writing deliberate reports on indigenous market leaders across different sectors like health, fitness and sports goods manufacturing. He developed a discrete interest in covering business reports including business events, expos, and trade fairs.

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