ELSE NUTRITION HOLDINGS INC. (BABY) (BABYF) (0YL.F) (“Else” or the “Company”), announces that it began its Canadian brick and mortar rollout in August 2022, through a partnership with Canadian owned retail chain London Drugs, headquartered in Richmond, British Columbia. Else’s Plant-Based Nutrition for Toddlers and Kids Nutritional Shakes are on shelf and available for purchase in London Drugs stores and will be available in 73 stores across Western Canada. With pharmacy retail stores in 36 major markets throughout British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, the partnership gives Else Nutrition ideal access to parents purchasing for their children.

London Drugs will also soon be adding Else Nutrition products to their online store at LondonDrugs.com which will deepen the distribution relationship and expose Else Nutrition to additional London Drugs customers.

“Launching our Canadian retail rollout with an outstanding partner such as London Drugs is an exciting, and strategically sound initiative for Else,” said Hamutal Yitzhak, CEO and Co-Founder of Else Nutrition. “Entering the Canadian marketplace in Western Canada via London Drugs, introduces our brand to a vibrant and healthy-minded consumer-base in the West, while acting as a springboard into greater Canada,” she continued.

“London Drugs’ large-format shelves and loyal family-driven customers across British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba will help Else Nutrition acquaint itself with parents who are actively seeking better nutritional solutions for their little ones, whilst in a familiar and trusted retail pharmacy environment,” added Hamutal Yitzhak.

About London Drugs

Founded in Vancouver, BC, in 1945, London Drugs today has stores in more than 35 major markets throughout British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. While the pharmacy is the heart of their business, they also offer a full-service computer department, cosmetics ranging from lip gloss to high-end face creams, furniture, cameras, high-quality photo finishing, and hi-tech electronics. More people also buy their small appliances in London Drugs than in any other place in Western Canada. All told, London Drugs serves over 45 million customers each year and is still growing. They are a staple in Canadian retail and instrumental to Western Canada’s diverse and vibrant communities.

London Drugs is 100% Canadian-owned and is focused on local customers’ satisfaction. Across Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and British Columbia, London Drugs’ over 79 stores employ more than 8000 staff dedicated to providing their customers with a superior shopping experience. London Drugs is owned by HY Louie Co. and Parent company Georgia Main Food Group.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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