In a prestigious awards ceremony held at the Houses of Parliament Escape Fitness has been announced ‘winner’ of an environmental award for Innovation in the Health and Wellness Sector.

The award was part of the annual Green Apple Environmental Awards to recognise, reward and promote environmental best practice around the world.

Ritchie Januszek, Product and Service Executive Director, Escape Fitness, says: “ Escape is an environmentally responsible company, continually innovating and reviewing our transport and manufacturing processes to lower our environmental impact.

“Our own manufacturing facility – Evergreen Barbell, based here in the UK, is reimagining the manufacture and supply of commercial grade fitness equipment to move towards a more sustainable future that provides the outstanding functionality to the consumer whilst also protecting the planet. Whilst winning awards is not our motivation reviewing and adapting our products and processes, it is fantastic to have our efforts recognised on the global stage by The Green Organisation.”

Launched in 1994 by The Green Organisation, The Green Apple Environment Awards have become the biggest environmental awards campaign on Earth, with entries from Governments, Ministries and Regional Authorities as well as companies, organisations, communities, etc. across both the private and public sectors.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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