You have to experience a lot of hardship to hit your goal. Your hard work and determination can only lead you to success. We all make thousands of plans daily to hit our aim but what matters most is how you execute a single plan.

Your fitness and health should not be included as a once in a while to do a thing but a daily activity to be focused upon. Here’s Sahil Hansrajani, Mr. Planet 2018 and a fitness model, who shares his experiences and motivates about staying fit and healthy. He also, reveals his struggle to the grand Mr. Planet 2018 pageant.

SahilHansrajaniIn a fitness-centric chit chat with Paayel from Sportz Business Magazine, Sahil revealed about how important is exercising to stay fit. Sahil shares his cheat diets and secrets about his workout.

Q: How was your journey to Mr. Planet India 2018?

Well, my journey to Mr. Planet 2018 pageant was full of hard work and discipline. I thought it would be easy, but it was not. Dealing with talented and good-looking 35 countries participants worldwide, I was so nervous that I would compete with them.

SahilBut yes, instead of having a competition with them, I started competing with my self. And there, I started improving me at each level by giving my best in all rounds. I lost 8 kgs in 25 days. I worked on my talent round, with that I had to earn too, so I was working as a fitness trainer for 10 hours and with that, I was using my rest of the time practising for the pageant. All of it took my 16 hours of the day in sweat. And in the end, I was all set to show my country pride in Georgia. 

India stood 3rd amongst 35 countries, and it was a proud moment for me to hold an Indian flag on an international platform and win the title. The feeling was on top of the world. 

Q: What is your fitness workout routine and diet? 

Sahil Hansrajani fitnessWell, my fitness routine is quite systematic, and its a long process, but in short, I must say. Do your warm-up first, your workout, and stretching with full efforts to the strict diet regime. I am a big foody, but there is always a quantity and quality of the food I keep in mind before eating. I try not to eat to fulfill my mind but to fulfill my stomach. Rest, I do full-body workout thrice a week with proper 7-8 hour rest, and I drink 3-4 avg liters of water to keep me hydrated.

Q: Give a health mantra to our youth who is experiencing depression and anxiety due to lockdown.

Due to lockdown, many people have faced many things, and even I faced many problems. But after a specific time, I did a few things to keep myself busy so that I can’t think much about what happened or what’s happening. So if you keep yourself busy in good things that are helping you set your career or keep you happy inside, you will be able to move on from those things. 

Q: What inspires you towards fitness?

HansrajaniFor me, fitness is god, just like everyone goes to the temple and praise. I make sure that I take out my time and daily go and work hard there. 

  • It’s good for health; it reduces depression and anxiety.
  • It gives you confidence.
  • You are always in shape. 
  • This is the secret that you can eat junk, and no one will get to know because you are sweating it hard.

Q: There are many diets like the keto diet, gluten-free diet, vegan diet. What is the most preferred diet you follow, and why? 

Out of all of them, I prefer the keto diet because I love non-veg, so I can’t stick to vegan for long. Although I tried in lockdown, after a certain point of time, my mind was not satisfied. 

If u talk about a gluten-free diet, it’s an excellent diet, but sometimes you lack fibers. It is not available at all restaurants, so you have to cook and spend a lot of time and money on it to stick, so I prefer having a keto diet for two months and then give myself a break and then follow it back. 

Q: Where you see yourself in the next five years?

Well, no one can see the future, but I want to see myself in the fitness industry where I can give personal training to celebrities as my profession is a fitness trainer. I also want to pursue modeling and acting, so yeah, I won’t mind seeing myself in Bollywood. 


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


Paayel is a correspondent at Sportz Business Magazine and pursuing Journalism from Lady Shri Ram college. She is an aspiring and passionate journalist, who is on her way to gain more knowledge and wisdom.

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