Gurnit Singh DuaOur aim is to provide the highest quality and research-based education in the field of fitness studies and sports sciences states Gurnit Singh Dua, CEO, FSSA. In an exclusive interview with Niloy from Sportz Business Insights unveils FSSA vision, ongoing programs and their commitment towards Fit India. Edit Nub Below.

Q How should we know FSSA and an overview of the vision and goals of this esteem association?

FSSA (Fitness and sports sciences association) is Indias largest and probably fastest-growing fitness academy. Since its inception, it has certified over 10000+ exercise/fitness professionals all over the world.

Our aim is to provide the highest quality and research-based education in the field of fitness studies and sports sciences.

Our vision is to nurture our students, expose them to some of the most real-time complex situations and offer them a distinct platform in fitness. We believe that to excel and to become a world-class fitness academy, we need to make every effort to constantly research, upgrade and adopt the finest ways of imparting knowledge.

Q Key training programs and coaching of FSSA?

We have professional qualifications, which are diploma level and are fully accredited by EuropeActive, popularly known as EREPS (European Register of exercise professionals). They are Certification/Diploma in Personal Training, Pilates, Pregnancy and postnatal exercise specialist, group exercise instruction.

Then we also have continuing education programs such as Functional Strength training, dance fitness, bodybuilding and physique conditioning, injury management, nutrition, strength conditioning, CPR AED, etc. We have also excellent programs for marathon runners/coaches and golfers.

Q How one can know the best certification about fitness and FSSA’s role in it?

There cannot be 1 size fits all, so there can not be the best certification as all depends on your experience and where the student wants to work. If you ask us, the best seller has always been our Personal Training Certification and Functional Strength Training.

Q How one can become a certified Personal trainer and Nutrition advisor?

We have various study options available: Distance study for already experienced professionals (This falls under a scheme known as Recognition of prior learning, RPL) We then have the FAST TRACK option for busy professionals (7 – 10 days) and then we have 3 months program (total immersion) for the beginners.

Q What are the premier event FSSA conducts and upcoming events in 2020?.

FSSA is known to conduct each year the FSSA MS FITNESS INDIA that is one of the most premium events the fitness industry has ever seen. This shall be the 6th edition and is scheduled in Gurgaon from 4 – 6th September 2020. This is a pure fitness contest, which tests a contestant’s strength, stamina, grit and determination.

Q Teaching procedure and training programs for Fitness and Sports Sciences in FSSA?

As we are an accredited organisation, there is a huge emphasis on maintaining internal quality in all departments. There are policies and procedures for the complete learner journey i.e. from the time we receive an inquiry to the time, the students leave the institute with certificate of completion. There are processes for each department and even though the paperwork is bit much we continually strive for customer excellence.

Q Key chair holder of this association and their expertise towards their respective industry?

The CEO is Mr. Gurnit Singh Dua. With several qualifications and experience of over 13 years in Fitness/fitness studies, Gurnit is rated as Indias’ leading Fitness education specialist, and faculty. Upon completion of his Masters (MSc) from UWE, Bristol, U.K, he immediately got a job with the same university. This was also the time where he got hooked on fitness. After two and a half years of working, the passion took over; he quit and came back to India in favor of new pursuits and an aim to accomplish – to raise the bar of sports & fitness in India. He is working very closely with SPEFL – SC and till date has CERTIFIED OVER 1000 trainers in SELF FINANCED RPL Scheme of SKILL INDIA (From December to date). He was instrumental in launching IREPS (INDIAN REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS) which was formed with the association of SPEFL -SC & EUROPEAN HEALTH AND FITNESS ASSOCIATION (EREPS – EUROPEAN REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS) which was launched AT FICCI house on 27th April 2019.

He has also served as the only MASTER TRAINER FOR TOT (SPEFL – SC) Programs from 2016 – 2017 UNDER THE PMKVY Scheme. He regularly trains CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) sportspersons in fitness and conditioning programs. He regularly represents India in INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS MEET, which happens in Europe each year to improve the standards of the fitness industry across the world. He was also a presenter at FIBO, Germany in 2017.

He is the Founder and CEO of FSSA (Fitness and Sports Sciences Association) and his qualifications in the fitness industry include but are not limited to:

  • Certified Fitness Trainer – International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)
  • Group Exercise Instructor – Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA)
  • Pilates Instructor – Pilates Institute of America (PIA)
  • Certified Strength and conditioning specialist
  • Lead quality auditor by the British Standards Institute
  • Certified in Heartsaver & Basic Life Support – American Heart Association (AHA)
  • Certified in Bodhi Suspension System – Balanced body, USA
  • Specialist – Functional Strength Training, and functional movement
  • Certified Booiaka Trainer
  • Continuing education provider for AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) and NASM (National Academy of sports medicine) in India •Pilates /Expert Rating Mat Level Specialist
  • Advanced Diploma in Nutrition (Future Fit, U.K)

[Nutrition& weight management, Childhood obesity and prevention, sports nutrition, behavioral coaching & pre and postnatal nutrition]

His specialties are Strength training, functional training for performance, plyometrics for speed, agility and quickness, motivation and sports & fitness psyche! He has represented in the past, is in collaboration with and represents or is in advanced talks with almost all top most fitness education brands including and not limited to Zumba Fitness, Booiaka, Masala Bhangra, American Heart Association (AHA), NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine), Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA), Parkour generations, National Posture institute Balanced body and many more!! He along with his team has certified over qw000 fitness professionals, enthusiasts, sportspersons, athletes and corporates in various programs and/or workshops since the inception of FSSA.

He has conducted successfully, several hundred workshops pan India, on Fitness and fitness related subject(s) and have also provided consultancy to the INS (Naval Academy, Delhi) for up-gradation of their equipment and sports surfaces. He contributes regularly to several newspapers and publications. Gurnits’ consultancy services are much sought after by commercial fitness club chains, Studio owners, equipment manufacturers and vendors, and corporate organizations.

Q How do you promote your events and initiatives making a loud-mouth of your esteem events?

With the kind of student database and credibility FSSA holds, the word of mouth is very quick to spread. We then have our influencers in each city/district plus of course the social media helps.

Q How do you see India moving towards building a sustainable and scalable health and fitness industry?

This can happen over time if there is respect for community, highest ethical and moral standards and constant research and innovation from all stakeholders. By stake holders, I mean professionals, trainers and coaches, sportspersons and athletes, gym and health club owners, employers, education providers, and members and clients.

Q Being an Industry leader, your expert comments on the current Health, Fitness and Sports Science industry?

Hugely profitable yet highly disorganized. Unlike Europe/ America (both leaders in the health/fitness/sports industry) there are no standards. With standards, I mean in health and safety, in education, for a gym/health club. The members are being lured with celebrities endorsing gyms, nutrition supplements with no responsibility whatsoever. The exercise professionals (80% of then not certified/currently not competent) are not guided by any code of ethics. We are trying to change but it is slower than what we expected.

Q Lastly, how important is the role of media to promote this industry in India?

Media, needless to say, plays a crucial role in increasing awareness about fitness/wellness/health. Ideally, the role is to also educate people over a period of time, which ultimately could help in behavior change of the country /audience as a whole. Unfortunately, that is not the case. With the advent of paid media, a bodybuilder is seen as the ideal fitness icon, which is so not the case.

Real fitness is having cardiovascular /respiratory health, flexibility, strength, stamina, ideal body composition (not what media shows us: i.e. bodybuilders/skinny babes) At the next level fitness comprises of speed, agility, power, balance, coordination, mobility, reaction time and proprioception.

The latter components were once, considered sports-related but not anymore.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist who has been working for B2B segment for almost half a decade. He has developed a knack of writing deliberate reports on indigenous market leaders across different sectors like health, fitness and sports goods manufacturing. He developed a discrete interest in covering business reports including business events, expos, and trade fairs.

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