The Silver&Fit® program has expanded its already popular free Facebook Live and YouTube exercise class offerings for older adults, effective October 12, 2020. Silver&Fit launched free daily online exercise classes for the public in March in response to COVID-19 gym closures and has found digital classes to be an extremely engaging and effective exercise option for older adults.

“Since the launch of our daily free Facebook Live and YouTube online exercise classes, the Silver&Fit program has seen its class followers grow by more than 400 percent in six months, with nearly 500,000 views of our senior workout videos,” said Brett Hanson, SVP, Fitness Networks & Digital Strategies at American Specialty Health Fitness (ASH Fitness). “We’ve received more than 20,000 comments on how helpful the classes have been during the pandemic, and interest continues to grow. We are now offering more free exercise classes at different levels and times on Facebook Live and YouTube to encourage even more people to participate online with Silver&Fit.”

As of October 12th, Silver&Fit began offering 20 free classes a week. The half-hour sessions, which now include intermediate Cardio, Yoga, Strength & Bodyweight, Flexibility & Balance, and Mixed Format classes, were expanded to include beginner and advanced levels, and mixed international classes premiering from 9 a.m. PT through 12:30 p.m. PT Monday – Friday.

“Maintaining an exercise program is extremely important for everyone, but especially for older adults,” said Jaynie Bjornaraa, PhD., MPH, PT, AVP, Digital Fitness Solutions with Silver&Fit. “Older adults who stop exercising can become deconditioned in as little as two weeks.”

“Just in time for open enrollment, the Silver&Fit program is offering newly expanded tools aimed at helping older adults stay fit, healthy and connected to community during the pandemic,” said George DeVries, chairman and CEO of American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH), which launched the Silver&Fit program in 2007.

To participate in a free exercise class follow Silver&Fit on Facebook at or on YouTube at For information about whether your Medicare plan includes the Silver&Fit program, please contact your health plan or 1-800-MEDICARE.

About the Silver&Fit Healthy Aging and Exercise Programs provided to Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Programs: Silver&Fit also offers a more comprehensive Healthy Aging and Fitness program for Medicare Advantage and Supplement plans. Under these arrangements, Silver&Fit offers Medicare-eligible members access to live telephone coaching on fitness, nutrition, sleep, and other lifestyle topics; 48 online healthy aging classes; 1,700+ digital workouts; connections to 120,000 social clubs nationally; a fitness membership to a choice of more than 15,000 fitness centers, YMCAs, and fitness studios nationally; Home Fitness kits offering DVDs and fitness gear (e.g. workout mat, resistance band, dumbbells); and the Silver&Fit Connected! app for tracking activity on any of 250+ wearable fitness devices and apps, so that members can better monitor their steps, heart rate, sleep, or other health data. Learn more at


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist who has been working for B2B segment for almost half a decade. He has developed a knack of writing deliberate reports on indigenous market leaders across different sectors like health, fitness and sports goods manufacturing. He developed a discrete interest in covering business reports including business events, expos, and trade fairs.

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