PCOS is a common problem striking 1 in every 5 women. Still, there’s less awareness and in general knowledge of the problem amongst women. Going bold over the less-talked women’s health issue, actress Sonam Kapoor once again came in news for openly speaking up about her long battle with PCOS.

Sonam, 35, has been very vocal about her fight with weight gain has been suffering from PCOS ever after the teenage years. There was a point in her school days when the actress weighed to 80 kilos. An unhealthy lifestyle, diabetes only made circumstances worse for the style icon. Sonam Kapoor once revealed that it was pressure from her mother, that made her change her lifestyle and improved.

“In all fairness, it was her mother who helped me get rid of my excess weight. The first thing I did was to keep me off the stuff she was so fond of as a teenager- chocolates, fried foods, ice creams, and sweets.”

While Sonam Kapoor has achieved to have her weight in control, Sonam still fights with hormonal imbalance and PCOS. However, she has succeeded to find her way over and concentrates on holistically developing her health after years of searching through fad diets, medicines, and workouts.

In an inspiring post on Instagram, Sonam openly spoke up about the signs and symptoms of PCOS that affected her life.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


Paayel is a correspondent at Sportz Business Magazine and pursuing Journalism from Lady Shri Ram college. She is an aspiring and passionate journalist, who is on her way to gain more knowledge and wisdom.

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