Everybody wants to stand out of clutter in a rush of commons, having a good height gives you an extra advantage over others. Height plays a major role in enhancing the persona of an individual. It is not surprising that people across the world are quite desperate to increase their height in any possible way. That is why there are several medicines and acupressure therapies are available in the market which claim to increase your height. However, these routes are quite expensive and come with vicious side-effects. Overall, there is not a 100% guarantee of success of these methods of increasing height. Hence, the best possible way to increase height remains now is naturally working on your increasing height drive-by inculcating some natural height increasing exercises.

According to some experts, if we merge the right diet with the right exercise to increase height, we can get some seriously positive results after a prolonged practice of the same.

First thing first, we need to trigger our growth hormones secreting glands through some height increase exercises to maintain the right kind of diet. A proper diet keeps your growth hormones fresh and active and helps you to increase height. Let’s read about the top 10 height increase exercises that you should try to add to your daily routine

1) Swimming

Height Increase Exercises Water is very important and researchers say drinking enough water leads to the normal functioning of our body. Swimming not only improves the flexibility in our body but also stimulates the cells within. It helps in stimulating every muscle. This stimulation helps in increasing the height naturally.

2) Hanging Exercises

Height Increase Exercises Hanging exercise is one of best height increase exercises.  This exercise helps in increasing the endurance of your arms and a way of stimulating all the upper body muscles. These exercises also help in toning your body and shape it up. You can try different variations of the exercise for the best result. The toning and shaping of the body lead to increasing height naturally.

3) Toe Touching

Height Increase Exercises This is the simple exercise and you just have to stand straight and then bend downwards towards your knees. This will help in stimulating the muscles in your back and calves and will give a massage to your thigh muscles. Your aim should be the toes but don’t try to push yourself beyond your body limits. You can perform this as soon as you want to and can make your kids perform this from an early age too.

4) Cobra Pose

Height Increase Exercises Cobra pose begins with lying on your tummy and slowly lifting up your upper body as if opening the can of beer. The positing and shifting should be very smooth. Bend as much as the tensile strength of your body permits and this will enhance the growing capabilities of your body cells.

5) Pelvic Shift

This exercise is simple and is similar to the bridges. You just need to lie in a straight position and bend your knees. Then bring your feet at shoulder width distance apart and put pressure at your foot and raise your hips. Keep your back straight and start breathe in slowly bring back your bums at base. Again, lift up and put down repeat. This will help you in stimulating your muscles and increase your height.

6) Skipping Rope

Height Increase Exercises We all love this fun game of skipping ropes but we really never got to know that it helps in increasing height too. Skipping rope makes you jump a lot besides it is one of the best height increase exercises. Jumping triggers, the cells of your body from head to toe and makes the cells becomes active. This muscle work-out is the best way for a streamlined growth for our body and is a fine way to re-tune the fat distribution in different body zones.

7) Dry Swim

Height Increase Exercises Dry swim is an exercise that involves the movement of alternate leg-hand pair. Your right arm coupled up with your left leg and right leg teamed up with left hand when lying in a prone position you lift each pair turn by turn, outstretching each limb as far as you can. Dry swim is very beneficial for those with height problems and the best way to increase height.

8) Forward Spine Stretch

Height Increase Exercises This exercise is a simple and effective one for proper articulation of spine and we should practice it after a tiring workout session like in swimming. Just sit with your legs flattened out straight on the floor and inhale deeply and feel the breath across the height of your spine exhale with relaxing your shoulders and bending your spine forward with hand joined and stretched along with the spine. It’s a nice way to stimulate your muscles and help them in growing.

9) Straight Leg Up

Height Increase Exercises Leg ups are definitely the simple and very easy exercise to do. Lie down on your back and slowly lift your legs up together and then raise them straight in the air. It normally takes time to get them back downwards near the ground, keeping them few inches above the floor. Again, rise them up in the straight vertical 90 degrees with the floor and bring them back just above the ground and try to do 7-8 repetitions a day.

10) Straight Leg Up

Height Increase Exercises Thighs muscles are necessary to get strengthened as they carry the weight of your upper body. So, to increase height you must simultaneously exercise to strengthen these muscles to maintain the equivalent body-mass development. Its easy steps are as follows; Lie down on your back and keep both legs straight and bring one leg near to your chest. Then straighten it and do the same with the other leg. Repeat the movement like in cycling and don’t rest your feet on the ground in between.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


Paayel is a correspondent at Sportz Business Magazine and pursuing Journalism from Lady Shri Ram college. She is an aspiring and passionate journalist, who is on her way to gain more knowledge and wisdom.

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