Stretching exercises can help improve muscular flexibility. These exercises include neck rolls, cat stretches, and hamstring stretches and make activities that require flexibility such as gardening, dancing, or playing with children, easier on the body. If you’re finding it difficult and harder to perform these activities then it’s a good idea to add some stretching exercises for flexibility in your daily routine. 

Exercise, particularly connected with losing weight if you require to, is a better way to maintain flexibility as we age. The reason behind this is exercise is anti-inflammatory and helps loosen you up by placing stiff tissues through a range of stretching and strengthening. It also encourages lubricate the joints and breaks tiny scars that form on a microscopic level in soft tissues particularly if they are inflamed which develop to hardening with age.

Stretching exercises can give you many benefits. I will give you 5 main benefits that will motivate you to start your workout routine.

  • Stretching helps in improving posture. If you add it to your daily routine within one month you can feel the results in your body.
  • Stretching helps in improving the range of motion and limits loss of range of motion. 
  • It can help in decreasing back pain. 
  • It can assist in preventing injuries and pain.
  • It can also decrease muscle soreness.

Now let’s talk about the easiest and effective exercises you need to add to your daily workout routine. These exercises don’t need any equipment and you can just use a mat to stand and perform this exercise, that too optional.

1) Shoulder rolls

Shoulder rolls

Stand straight with feet hip-width apart and arms at your sides, loosely relaxed then roll your shoulders up, back, and down and your thumbs should be pointing forward as you start the movement. Now point palms forward, elbows slightly bent, as you finish each shoulder roll, and now reverse the movement so your shoulders roll forwards, down, back, and up. Do not forget to repeat several times.

2) Extended angle side bend

Extended angle

Begin with your feet wide apart, legs straight and right foot pointing to the side, and stretch arms wide open at chest level, palms facing forwards. Now you have to slowly bend your right knee, lowering yourself down to the right side, assuring your feet are wide enough so your knee does not stretch beyond the line of your toes. At the same time, shift your whole body to the right, keeping the spine long and the arms outstretched. Now lower as far as you can, keeping abs pulled in tight, bottom tucked under, and hips square to the front. Now reach the right hand towards the floor and the left to the ceiling and try holding it for 15-30 seconds. You should feel a stretch in the right hamstring, left inner thigh, left waist, chest, and front of shoulders after that slowly return to center and repeat on the left side.

3) Lower back mobilizer

Lower back mobilizer

Begin with lie on your back, legs almost straight, arms outstretched on the floor, in a cross position now, exhale and raise both knees towards your chest and inhale, feeling the air expand your chest. Again Exhale and drop both knees together to your right and keep both shoulders in contact with the floor and turn your head to the left and inhale and bring your knees back to the chest. Exhale and repeat to the left and try to keep your arms and shoulders down but feel the lumbopelvic region rotating freely.

4) Standing hamstring stretch

Standing hamstring stretch

Stand with feet slightly less than shoulder-width apart, facing forwards and step forward with your left foot and flex your left foot up towards you. Now bend forward at your hips and place your hands on your left thigh and keep your left leg straight as you slightly bend the right knee and feel the stretch along your left hamstring and hold for 30-60 seconds then switch sides.

5) Chest mobilizer

Chest mobilizer

Stand up straight and open your arms wide, tilt your head back and push your chest forwards. Take a deep breath in and breathe out and as you do so nod your head to your chest, clasp your upper arm with the opposite hand as if hugging yourself, and hunch your back forwards. Now repeat the same whenever your back or chest feels stiff.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


Paayel is a correspondent at Sportz Business Magazine and pursuing Journalism from Lady Shri Ram college. She is an aspiring and passionate journalist, who is on her way to gain more knowledge and wisdom.

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