You must be wondering when you can hit your regular daily routine of sweating at the gym. Well, seeing the current situation, it is quite hard to say that we will be able to hit the gym floor any time sooner. So till then, you can’t just sit idle liking the home workout videos uploaded by your Instagram celebs, in fact you can be a part of this home quarantine fitness without putting much effort into it.

In this article, we highlight easy peasy home workouts ideas that you try hit keep alive your fitness enthusiasm:-

  1. Stairs

FitnessAs it is a universally accepted fact, that walking is the most primary and core strengthening part of the exercise, it is recommended under this section to use stairs while ascending or descending a building or office building. Walking not only just keeps your lungs pump up with fresh blood cells and infuses an all-new set of energy into the body. Being an essential part of a great cardio and leg workout, walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and many more lifestyle going ailments, especially of old-age.

In order to incorporate walking as in your daily exercise schedule, skip those escalators and use stairs and walk counting how many stairs you have crossed in each phase.


In order to improvise those stairs walking, try to mix covering two steps intact in a step, sprinting a few flights or mixing jumping jacks between floors to increase exercise intensity.

  1. Home Workouts

FitnessAt home what you can do on your off days or post-office hour, try to inculcate indoor aerobics using several easily available props in the house. You can also involve a workout DVD and surf YouTube indoor exercises demonstrations showing the right posture and diverse kinds of exercise that you can perform. Using a few fitness tools like skipping rope, stability balls, light weights, a resistance band can be always a great way to augment your full body exercise.

How to improvise it:

Try to make use of those above-mentioned fitness tools in order to increase your in house full-body exercises. At one time, the resistance band can tone up your shoulder, if rotated in a right angle degree anticlockwise and skipping rope will be a perfect solution for strong legs and fat burning goals.

  1. Dancing

FitnessIf you want to improve your metabolism, grove to the music which can burn more energy than you can burn by running on a treadmill for 20 minutes. Whenever you get time just lace it up to your workout shoes and imitate a few moves of your favorite movie characters.


Try doing push-ups, dips, jumping jacks, or burpees during the choruses.

  1. Binge series watching 

FitnessIf you are an ardent fan of Netflix series and watch the same episodes irresistibly, then here is the thing you can do about it. Try jogging or skipping on the spot while you are doing binge-watching.

How to improvise: 

Try to mix squats, push-ups, or burpees during the commercial breaks.

  1. Sprints

FitnessThe last but not the least, sprinting is the most important work out to keep up your fitness spirit. All you need to do is to get out of your home and head to a nearby park. Try to mix a number of exercises including short sprinting, Jogging, Jumping, Jumping Jacks, and bit of stretching. Believe me, after doing the same for the week-long period, you personally can see how light you are getting and how often your stomach gruels wanting some more healthy food.

How to Improvise:

Try to add a few lunges when you are done with sprinting, these lunges will make your legs muscles stronger and burn more calories as your muscles try to stabilize your every step.

As summer is already here, it is the high time to get in shape and hit to vacations on the beach in your summer vacations having the beach-ready body you have always aspired to have.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist who has been working for B2B segment for almost half a decade. He has developed a knack of writing deliberate reports on indigenous market leaders across different sectors like health, fitness and sports goods manufacturing. He developed a discrete interest in covering business reports including business events, expos, and trade fairs.

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