If you are one of those who don’t like to be in queue waiting for your turn while performing bench press or any other form of exercise in the gym, then it is a high time to think of a personalized home gym.

Having a personalized home gym not only enables you to perform the exercise patiently with sheer perfection but also give you a break from every pseudo gym trainer calling out, ”bro you are not doing it right”.

In order to resolve the same, it is always appreciating to get an online registered personal coach as these days such technological facilities are so much in demand. These coaches will not only suggest you the correct forms of exercise but also guide you for diet and nutritional chart of yours. Sometimes, these coaches play a major role in rejuvenating your inner core potential energy so that you can give some extra bit to your daily exercise.

Now consider your domestic life. Do you have siblings? If so, a home gym can be a great way to enhance your special brotherhood bonding in a healthy way by spending much of your time sweating together.

In order to meet your ambitious, we have enlisted a few fruitful options for doing the same.

The first and foremost step to install gym equipment at home is to do introspection and ask all these questions:-

  • Do you really want to go on your own?
  • Do you hate being watched while sweating?
  • Do you have proper knowledge of all good posture and Bad posture?
  • Can you self-motivate yourself?

Well coming to the practical aspect of the home gym concept, one thing which should be considered first and foremost is installing a gym at home is not particularly an expensive thing to do. In fact, people waste a lot of their on buying unnecessary cardio equipment, multi-gyms and overpriced gym products that have no essence to be at commercial gyms as well as home. Talking about Indian Fitness Market scenario, you can create a fully functional home gym with a lump sum amount of 70,000 to 1.50 lakh INR. We suggest you some handy e-commerce websites, where you can look used fitness equipment:-

  • Snap Deal
  • Health Kart
  • Amazon

Always keep in mind your home gym will also evolve with time. So, just concentrate on some basic fitness equipment and get your hands on this easily accessible equipment:-

We try to enlist a few essential fitness equipment along with their application in workout, needed for a home gym

1. Barbells and Plate Set

Being the most important entity of your home gym, Barbells and Plate Set will be the crucial fitness equipment for most of your workouts. It should be noted that you are not supposed to have that bulky fitness equipment that is so common to spot in a conventional gym. All you need to perform some basics e t o f exercise with these barbells and plate sets. Exercises that you perform with this fitness equipment:

Legs: Front squat, Back squat, Lunges, Deadlift

Back: Barbell row, Upright Row, Power Cleans

Shoulders: Military Press, Behind the neck press

Chest: Bench Press (flat incline & decline)

Arms: Bicep curls, Skull crushers, Close grip bench press


2. Bench

In order to make most of the use of your barbells sets, you will definitely need a bench. It is suggested to always go for a second-hand commercial bench which comes with incline and decline functionality. As when you perform split bodybuilding mode of training, this functionality will come quite handy.

3. Rack

Don’t just underestimate the essence of the rack at your home gym as this will be only standing buddy there for the support while performing squats with heavy weights. Choosing a robustly built rack can be an expensive business however; being the biggest piece of equipment it will play an important role in transforming your home space into a commercial gym kind of ambiance. There will be a few who will think before investing a huge sum of money over a rack which has supposedly nothing to do in a home gym. Then here come contradictory facts for them, devoid of a robust rack, it will be quite impossible to perform heavier leg, chest and shoulder workouts become almost impossible. So the bottom line is this, get a rack as it will bolster the ambiance of a home gym as well as it will be the lone support system while dealing with a heavy weight mounted barbells.

4. KettleBells

In terms of versatility, kettlebells have an upper hand over Dumbbells . You can perform almost all kind of exercises with kettlebells that you would perform with dumbbells. Performing exercises with kettlebells also bring in GYM EQUIPMENT 36 MARCH 2019 SPORTZ BUSINESS INSIGHT | VOL 01 | ISSUE 03 an element of momentum and functional training to your workouts enabling you to perform many more different variations of exercises without taking much extra space in your gym.

5. Adjustable Dumbbells

Unlike your gym, where you have to wait for your precise weight (dumbbell), these Adjustable dumbbells provide you an easy to do exercise as per your required weight and reps. These Dumbbells which come with a storage rack can be kept anywhere at your home gym without taking much of space which is a major factor after all. Owing to its adjustability, these dumbbells are an ideal option for a home gym in order to strengthen your muscle and keeping yourself toned.

6. Mini Resistance Band

A new member in the fitness equipment family, resistance band can be a perfect supplementary to every form of exercise. It allows you to perform strength training devoid of any weight. They are quite inexpensive easy to store and a perfect fitness tool everyone should keep while traveling anywhere.

With resistance band, you can do just any type of strength training exercise — chest presses, rows, shoulder presses, triceps extensions, bicep curls, and even squats — without the need for heavyweights. These resistance bands are an integral part of the home-based workout session. These small and portable resistance bands are quite effective in delivering three levels of resistance for Mobility exercises, stretches, and others.

Racks for Home Gym

7. Yoga Mat

Perfectly designed to provide optimum grip for doing yoga on different floors, these mats are the perfect essential for home-based work out session. Now, you can stretch on the floor and do pushups and different sets of planks, on this multi-functional mat.

8. Soft Medicine Ball

Majorly used in the physiotherapy treatment, a number of arm-based exercises can be done with this Softball. Durable in nature, these softballs provide the desired weight as per your exercise requisites. Being leather enveloped, the ball can be gently thrown against the wall to tap on the floor while doing trunk twists.

9. Weighted Jump rope

It’s just an upgraded version of childhood skipping rope, which is transformed into a weighted jump rope by having weight to it. The rope jump exercise complements another exercise by pumping your heart rate intensely. While using the same at the place, make sure nothing comes within the diameter of your jump rope while doing exercises as it can hurt someone or break something. In order to make the exercise more intensive, one should add criss-cross, high knees, and double-unders as in different forms of variations with the rope.

So overall these were quite handy fitness equipment required to change the way people exercise.

As mentioned earlier your home gym will evolve with the time, so keep your eyes open and keep educating yourself with better information regarding how to transform your home into a gym. It is never too late to start your transformation let’s do it from today.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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