In this edition of the health and nutrition section, Sportz Business talks to a young nutritionist and entrepreneur Mahima Sethia who runs an online diet consultancy platform named Fitness Flu. Mahima believes food is first-hand medicine; one should take care of before reaching out for supplements.  Sharing more such kinds of insightful facts and tips, Mahima, has a lot more to add value addition in this knowledgeable talk. Below we explore her first-hand words on the growing nutrition-conscious society.

Q At the time of lock-down people are eating a lot devoid of any physical activity, what are your suggestions for them?

As working out has stalled and people crumbling most of the time inside their respective homes hence eating habits are more than important than ever.  For e.g., one can have moderate-low carb intake as there is minimal energy expenditure and eat high protein items to retain muscles. Also, do not forget to include anti-inflammatory and immunity-boosting food items and a distant stay away from processed and junk food is required.

Q Can you tell our audience how do you reverse disease through food?

Fitness Flu is an online diet consultancy platform where we believe that food is the most powerful and safest form of medicine. We are a reflection of what we eat and hence by encouraging a healthful and balanced diet and working on the root cause of the health issues (80% of which are lifestyle-related) we reverse diseases naturally.

Q Is suggesting a considerable diet is enough for a person or one needs to have a regime of exercises alongside?

We believe that Exercise and Nutrition is like a marriage. Exercise alone cannot help you lose weight if your nutrition is not on point. They both co-exist.Fitness Flu

Q In this lockdown people are so prone to stress eating can you suggest something to try instead?


  • Release endorphins by doing some home workout,
  • Indulge in social interactions to bring cortisol level down,
  • Download a meditation app,
  • And do some meal prep or other activities to keep you busy.

Q What are the factors you keep in mind before suggesting a diet schedule for your clients?

We design plans keeping in mind a person’s lifestyle, activity level, medical history & health goals and then we make strategies that are realistic, simple, and fit within our clients’ everyday lives.

Q How effectively does supplement play role in losing weight? Do you include any supplements in any weight loss program?

The supplement is an addition to diet and not a replacement for food. We encourage people to have natural and wholesome food to lose weight but in case of nutritional deficiency which is not met by food alone (for e.g. Vitamin D), we suggest taking a supplement.

Q What do you suggest to those sedentary life living people who want to get over with obesity?

Just like there is no elevator to success similarly there is no quick fix for weight loss. Obesity is a root cause of many health issues and you can get over it only by making better lifestyle choices. Start with one change at a time and be consistent with it (start with a healthy meal, adequate hydration or 40 minutes workout). Once you do it consistently, you will see a bigger picture forming and transformation will happen.

Q Can we naturally boost our immunity during the lockdown? if yes, then how?

Immunity cannot be built in few days but adding few items can help at the moment such as kachi haldi (raw turmeric) water with pepper in the morning, ginger, & lemon tea, sipping Tulsi tea, taking crushed garlic cloves with warm water and 10 minutes of sunlight.Fitness

Q What does health mean to you?

Being healthy for me is not just how you look but also how you feel mentally and emotionally. Someone with the good physique is not necessarily healthy. Our weighing machine does not define health. Having no sort of illness and a good relationship with our bodies is what defines HEALTH. That is why I say “Catch the disease, fitness flu so that no other disease catches you!


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist who has been working for B2B segment for almost half a decade. He has developed a knack of writing deliberate reports on indigenous market leaders across different sectors like health, fitness and sports goods manufacturing. He developed a discrete interest in covering business reports including business events, expos, and trade fairs.

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