The top health and wellness goal for Life Time members was to lose weight, according to a survey by the health and wellness brand.

Thirty-one percent of members surveyed chose weight loss as their top goal. The other top goals were building muscle (22 percent), eating better (13 percent), moving more (13 percent) and improving their mental wellbeing (11 percent).

Members also said that 2021 was a more positive year for their health and fitness habits compared to 2020. Forty percent of respondents said their health was better in 2021 than in 2020 while 23 percent said it was worse. In Life Time’s 2020 survey, nearly 70 percent of respondents reported that their personal health had been negatively impacted.

Thirty-eight percent said 2021 was better than 2020 because they got more exercise in 2021 while 34.5 percent said it was better because health clubs were again open and 19 percent credited their improved nutrition habits.

“People are working out more this year, which is incredible,” said Nick Sandoval, a personal trainer at Life Time who leads the company’s new 30×30 digital training program. “Simply improving your basic health through exercise can vastly improve your risk factors, and when you feel better, you can do life better. That is priceless.”

The survey also found that 50 percent of respondents prefer to exercise with a small or large workout group versus 46 percent preferring working out solo. Eighty-eight percent said exercise made them feel better than scrolling their social media. A quarter of respondents reported using an app or virtual meditation program in 2021 for stress relief and focus.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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